Friday, January 21, 2011

So Happy

I was going to write about something completely different tonight, but now I have to share my good news with everyone. I talked about a class that I have been trying to get into in my blog titled "I don't want to be a welfare mom anymore." They were supposed to make their final decision on the 26th on who will be starting the program on the 31st. Well, around 5:00 tonight, I got a call from one of the instructors informing me that I was chosen to be in the class. I started crying while I was talking to him. Finally, I can see a light in the darkness. I am on my way to making this life better for me and, most importantly, for my kids. This is it! I thought 2011 was going to be a horrible year, but now, I KNOW it is going to be awesome. In just 3 months, I will be getting a paycheck. Not a welfare check. Not a worker's comp check. A PAYcheck. Money I, myself earned. I am hoping that now, my worker's comp case can go to court so I can get my settlement. With that and my new job, I should be able to get reliable transportation, and then, my own place to call home. I am living proof that God really does answer prayer. I have several areas in which he has proven Himself to be real to me. This is just one more to add to the list. Some people say they don't believe in God because they can't see Him. My answer to that? I see how He works in my life and through my life. I could share numerous stories, but for right now, this is the one I am concentrating on. Hundreds of people applied and tested for this class. They chose 20 of those people. I am one of them! I will give it 1000% effort. I want to not only finish this class, but I want to be the BEST. This is my chance and I am so thankful for it!

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