Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Proud Cub Scout Mommy

Some moms are proud soccer moms. Some moms are proud baseball moms. I'm a proud Cub Scout Mom. My son has been an official cub scout since June 1, 2010. His godmother suggested Cub Scouts for him when he was 5. I hadn't thought much about it. I just assumed that since I had 2 boys and a rough and tumble girl that I would be a soccer or baseball or football mom. Isaiah just isn't a sports oriented kid. I thought I would go ahead and let him give Cub Scouts a try. He wasn't old enough when we first tried to sign him up. They have to be in first grade. So when he was officially out of Kindergarten, I signed him up. He has loved it ever since. It gives him something to be proud of and keeps him busy. He has really started to come out of his shell since he has been going. We meet every Tuesday. Every other Tuesday is den meetings. One Tuesday is a pack meeting. The last Tuesday is a parent meeting. A pack consists of tiger cubs, wolf cubs, bear cubs, and weebelos. Isaiah is a tiger cub. He has earned 5 belt loops (an award for completing certain requirements)  so far, 1 patch, and 10 beads. He is doing so well. Our pack does 1 fundraiser each year. We sell expensive pop corn. The cheapest bag is $10 and the most expensive box is $50. If he sold over $600, he would be awarded a marshmallow shooter. He wanted to win that so bad! I was like, "yeah, right. Who is going to buy this expensive pop corn?' You know what? He sold $609 worth! Not only did he sell the most out of everyone else in the pack, he sold the most in the HISTORY of the pack! When he is determined to do something, he does it. He should be getting his marshmallow shooter next Tuesday. He will also be getting 5 special ribbons that will go on the 100 year anniversary patch for the BSA. This is the only time these ribbons will ever be awarded and he gets all 5! Plus, he will get another belt loop for ice skating. He is almost done with his tiger cub book requirements which means he will be ready to join the wolf den in June. I have a lot of things that I am proud of when it comes to my kids, but I think this one takes the cake for Isaiah. He is awesome in school and I am extremely proud of that, but the way he really tries to excel in Cub Scouts makes me one proud Cub Scout Mommy!

                                                           Veteran's Day Parade 2010

Handing out food to the needy for Thanksgiving with his best friend.

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