Monday, January 10, 2011

What's New Today

Wow! What a day of screaming, cranky children! Noelle and Andrew are not used to getting up early. And Noelle is definately not a morning girl. That child drove me nuts trying to get her up and ready this morning. I got up at 6 to get myself ready for my interview then I got all 3 kids up at 6:30. Isaiah is used to it so he just gave me his "I don't want to go to school today! I think I'm sick!" But he got up and got ready without too much attitude. Andrew was so easy. He woke up, got dressed and was so cuddly. Noelle was screaming at the top of her lungs. I couldn't believe the huge deal she was making out of getting up. I tried putting on her clothes just to have her take them off and throw them. Boy was she testing my patience! I finally got her dressed and got all 3 kids downstairs ready to eat breakfast. Thankfully my dad fixes them breakfast since he is up to drive us around anyway. Although I still can't wait to get a car. We got Isaiah to school and then went to Andrew and Noelle's school. Noelle threw herself on the ground in the parking lot of the school. It was 27 degrees out there and she was on the freezing cement. When she does that stuff, I don't baby her like some parents. I don't pick her up and try to make her feel better. What lesson would she get from that? So she laid there screaming for something like 5 minutes. Finally she got cold enough to get up. Then she refused to carry her back pack. That is another thing I don't do for my kids. As soon as my kids could walk, they carried their back packs with their diapers and stuff. That's one way to get them potty trained if they don't like carrying their diaper changing supplies. She finally figured out that I wasn't in the mood to be dealing with her attitude so she picked up her things and walked to class.
Since the kids were starting full day preschool, a few things changed. The big thing is that Noelle and Andrew are no longer in the same class room. Andrew wasn't too sure about that. He was actually kind of scared. I was thinking to muself that maybe he needs me home a little longer. Maybe he just isn't ready to be in school all day yet. I decided to just leave and see what would happen. I know that if he didn't do ok that his teacher would call me. So, I left. But I was a little worried about him. Then I dropped Noelle at her class where she started throwing a fit and threw her hat and gloves around the class room. Thankfully, her teachers feel the same way I do about her fits. They are not tolerated. So they said don't worry. I could leave her even with her throwing a fit.
Then I was dropped off at the training program. I was the first one there which was awesome for me. I filled out my application and got first pick of where to sit in the classroom. Then after the presentation about the program, I was the first to be interviewed. I think I totally nailed it! I was asked to come back tomorrow for a second interview and on Wednesday for a reading assessment test. I feel really confident that I am meant to be in this class. We shall soon see.
I picked up Isaiah from school and he had a little trouble. He was put on the sad face because he was playing when the teacher was talking. His punishment was no playing the Wii today. We really didn't have time to play, so that was not a big loss.
Then I picked up the other two. They had a great day. Noelle came out of her mood and Andrew started to feel comfortable in his new class. Neither one of them napped, but I knew they wouldn't. So now I feel a little better about leaving them all day. Not great, but better.
We came home. I helped Isaiah with his homework. Then made dinner. Then showers. Then bed. The boys were asleep by 7:30. Noelle just now fell asleep so she should be nice and cranky tomorrow when it's time to wake her up. Oh Boy!

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