Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sleep Deprived

One thing that I totally sacrafised for my kids is my love of sleeping. I used to be able to sleep when ever I wanted and for how long I wanted. Not anymore. People tell me to sleep when the kids sleep. Really? If I did that, when would I have time to clean and take a shower? I do most of my laundry at night and into the wee hours of the morning. That way I know it gets done and doesn't have to be redone because the kids mess it up.
Eventhough I am so tired at night, sometimes I just can't sleep. Wednesday night, I went to bed at 11. I didn't fall asleep until after 3. I had to be up at 6:30 to get Isaiah ready for school. So, I went along Thursday with 3 1/2 hours of sleep. Of course on Thursday, I got a migrane that my medication didn't work on. I took a pain pill and that worked. Then I tried to sleep. I was up ALL night. I'm not kidding! I didn't get 1 minute of sleep. Yesterday seemed to go on forever! I was so tired. I put the kids to bed around 8. When they finally fell asleep around 9:30, I took a sleeping pill. Thankfully it worked. I was woken up to, "SARAH GET DOWN HERE AND TAKE CARE OF YOUR KIDS! WE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!"
It was 7:30 and all 3 kids were up and downstairs playing and fighting. I still hadn't made up for the previous nights sleep, but I had to get up and take care of the kids. What I wouldn't give for someone to say, "Sleep as long as you want. I will take care of the kids today." Of course that has never happened in the almost 7 years that I have been a mom. I think the first day that I don't have any appointments and all of the kids are in school, I'm going to sleep. I really miss sleeping. My body is so worn out from lack of sleep.
I was having (and soemtimes still do) dizzy spells and an irregular heartbeat. My doctor was so worried that there was something seriously wrong with my heart. After all the tests came back normal, she came up with something else. She gave me my first sleeping pill. I didn't have any dizzyness the next day. She figured out that all the problems I was having was because my body was excessively exhausted. I have kept track of my spells and whenever I don't sleep very much, I get them. They have been really bad for the last 2 days.
I laughed at my doctor when she told me the solution was simple. Get more rest. Yeah. In all my spare time! I told her maybe in 18 years I will be able to get more rest. But for now, I have to be careful. I can't drive when I am dizzy, so I have to really try to get enough sleep each night.

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