Sunday, January 2, 2011

40 Day P.U.S.H.

Every year, our church brings in the new year with a 40 day P.U.S.H. P.U.S.H. stands for Pray Until Something Happens. We believe that we should be doing this all year long, but what a way to start the year off 100% focused on that. During the 40 days, we do different things showing our obedience to God and to our commitment of all year roud. So here is what we do.

1. January 1-10: Fast something. Our family believes that it should be something that will really make a difference. Most people focus on a food for this portion. Isaiah is fasting his new pirate ship that he got for Christmas. That is a big thing for him. Noelle, Andrew and I have decided to fast bread. Boy, you don't realize how much you depend on something until you can't have it. My mom chose meat and my dad chose soda. For those that don't know my dad, he drinks soda 24/7. No kidding.

2. January 11-20: Random acts of kindness. This one isn't that hard, seeing as most of the time we try to do this anyway. We have a list of different things to do, but I will wait until that week to go into detail.

3. January 21-30: No Media. This includes TV, Internet and video games. This one is hard especially with little ones. But the importance of this one is great. We always make excuses that we don't have time. Christians say they wish they had more time to pray or read the Bible. Parents say they wish they had more time for their kids. We all say we wish we had more time for family. When you turn everything extra off, you realize just how much time you do have and how much of that time is wasted with the media that has overtaken our lives. So, obviously for these 10 days, I will not be blogging or facebooking.

4. January 31-February10: No negative communication. It sounds easy, but it is the hardest of them all. Most times, we don't even know we are doing it. That's what makes it so bad. It has become an everyday thing for us. During these 10 days you really learn to think before you speak and to only speak good things. Like I said, this one is the hardest and the one dreaded by the majority of our church family. Our pastor has a system that is a great way of keeping track. Everyone in their family starts out with 20 $1 bills. Every time they say something negative, they have to hand over $1. If they have anything left at the end of the 10 days, they get to keep it. I think it's a great incentive for the kids. Only one of my kids is old enough to appreciate the value of money so this idea will have to wait for another few years for my family.

I'm hoping by the end of these 40 days that I will be a better person, a stronger Christian, and a top notch mom. I also started a daily devotion with the kids. The book that we use is just for the kids and the lessons are short and to the point. Last night was Genisis 1:1. We talked about how God created the world but his greatest creation was us. The kids really got that. They love that they are #1 in God's book.

I'm proud that I have raised my kids in the Penticostal church. They have start their lives on solid ground and hopefully, as they get older, realize that without God, life isn't as great as what it could be with Him. I know not everyone agrees with me, and that's ok. Everyone chooses different paths. This is the path I have chosen for me and my kids.

I truely believe that because of our prayers and the prayers of our church family, Noelle's MRI showed nothing to worry about. Her CT scan showed something. That was why we got the MRI and were refered to the oncologist. While we were waiting for these appointments, tons of people were praying for her. Even people we didn't know. All these prayers were answered and for that I am truely thankful.

1 comment:

  1. that sounds like a great journey your gonna take best wishes
