Monday, January 3, 2011

My Shopping Day

I don't get many shopping days for myself anymore. That is one thing I gave up when I became a mommy. My shopping usually is for food or things the kids need. Sometimes I have to slip in some things for myself like shampoo and tooth paste. But today, I was able to buy something fo rmyself that was long overdue. I was able to buy 4, yes 4, new bras! The last time I did that was right after Andrew was born and he just turned 3. I was in desperate need of new ones. My kids godmother (my second mom) gave me a $25 gift card to Lane Bryant for Christmas. So I went to get 1 planning on spending around $20 of my own money on top of the gift card. (Yes, I know they are expensive, but they are so worth it!) When I go in, there are signs everywhere that if you buy 2 bras you get 2 free. WHAT??? Really??? I couldn't believe it! So I decided to pay a little more to get 3 more. When I get to the counter, the lady asked me if I wanted to apply for a Lane Bryant credit card. I told her no because I know I won't qualify for one. She said that if I just applied, whether I get one or not, I will get another 25% off my purchase today. I was so happy! So I applied. I will be notified by mail when they reject my application. So, I ended up spending (after I used my gift card) $33.00. How awesome is that?!? My total savings was something like $88. I did very well I think.

You really learn to appreciate the little things, like the feel of a new bra, when you are on a very tight income with 3 kids to take care of. I very rarely spend money on myself and when I do, I usually feel guilty. But not today. I deserve my purchase! At least I think so anyway.


  1. That's awesome! Be careful applying though... it does still affect your credit even if you are denied. But hooray for new bras!

    I feel ya... I haven't had a new bra in over a year. Craziness to think how opposite that was a few years back..

  2. Hooray for new bras! I just got a few new ones myself after not having purchased any in 2-3 years.
