Thursday, February 3, 2011

First Week Of School

Wow! This first week of school is already done. That went so fast. Tomorrow I find out if I get to continue in the class. I have learned so much already. I really hope I get to continue. I'm pretty confident that I will be ablt to continue, but there is always that doubt in the back of my mind. I know this class is going to be very difficult, but I also know that when I am done, I will be so educated on the computer and with all the programs. It has been hard getting used to getting up and being in an office ALL day, but I am getting used to it. I like most of the people in my class so that really helps. While my eyes adjust to the change, I have to live with horrible headaches, but Excedrin Migrane works very well. I have been so tired when I get home that I don't even trun my computer on. After sitting at a computer for most of the day, the last thing I want to do is come home and get on the computer. Even though my goal was to write in this blog everyday, I am ok with the fact that it may be once a week now. This class is my ticket to a better job. With all the skills they will be teaching us, I will be a better candiate for administrative jobs. Jobs where your boss doesn't throw big cans and crush your hands. My hand is doing ok with this training as long as I put my prescription gel on it on every break. It is definately inflammed, but I can't afford to be on Workers Comp anymore. So, I will deal with this pain every day. I pray that one day, the pain will just go away. But for now, I just pretend that I don't feel anything. I'm good at that. As long as I am able to continue this class, my graduation will be April 21. They go all out with cap and gowns and even hold it in a theatre. I know I will be walking across that stage! I want, and need, this too badly. So, tomorrow I will know if I get to continue! I'm nervous and excited!

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