I'm not going to lie. I get mad a lot. And most of the time it's out of frustration from not having any help with raising 3 young children. Every parent deserves some kind of break each day. Whether it be a walk around the block or going to the grocery store without the kids. For almost 7 years now, I haven't had 1 minute to myself. I always have at least 1 kids with me at all times. Shoot, I can't even take a shower alone. I also get frustrated that I am trying to raise these kids on about $1,100 per month with absolutely NO child support. I do have a child support order, but in the great state of California, they only enforce it by taking away business and drivers licences. That's just great. Their father doesn't have either. And as irritated as I get with that, that's still not what will always make me mad.
The thing that ALWAYS makes me mad is when someone criticizes my parenting. My ex husband used to do that. My parents do that. And, today, a doctor did that. My son is overweight. We know this. We have been working on it for the last almost 2 years. He is just a big kid. This doctor told me that I need to focus on the cleanliness of my child and take him to weight management classes. She also told me that I could benefit from those classes as well. Then she preceded to tell me, in front of my son, that I should have him in sports, not let him drink soda and juice because they are full of sugar, and not to give him junk food.
Point 1: His cleanliness-my son takes a shower every day. Not 1 day goes by that he doesn't shower. At the end of the school day, he smells like a kid because he plays a lot at school and he sweats. He takes his showers before he goes to bed EVERY night.
Point 2: weight management classes-his regular doctor referred us to a nutritionist 2 years ago. We have followed her recommendations since. What is a class going to do except take up more time in my day? Don't you think that if his regular doctor wanted us in there, we would be in there?
Point 3: I could benefit from those classes-I'm sorry. I thought the appointment was for my son. Stupid me! As far as I am concerned, my body is none of your business and how dare you think you have the right to say something like that to me. I know I am not small, but you know what? I have never been small in my whole life and, except for the number on the scale, I am very healthy. I don't have diabetes or high blood pressure. Both actually run on the low side. My cholesterol is is low too. But, then again, that was none of your business as a pediatrician.
Point 4: he should be playing sports-yes he should, so write me a check so I can pay for it. Sports are far from free and I just don't have the money for it. Thanks for putting the ideas in his head though.
Point 5: don't let him drink soda or juice because they are full of sugar-why do you automatically assume I give my child soda and a ton of juice? You can tell just by looking at me that I give him sugary soda and juice everyday? Let me inform you that my son rarely gets soda and when he does get it, it's diet soda. And he gets 1 glass of 100% fruit juice a day. Thank you very much!
Point 6: no junk food-we get less junk food than we get soda! Hello? Fixed income! We can't afford junk food from restaurants and I use my food stamps to buy meats, produce and healthy lunch snacks at Costco. I never buy artificial fruit snacks or sugary snacks, His "treat" for his lunch is a bag of sun chips or dried fruit.
I guess the point that I am making is unless you see me treating my child horribly or abusing him, don't judge my parenting by the cover. I love my kids and will do anything to keep them healthy and safe. If you feel that I am doing something wrong as a parent, please keep it to yourself unless I ask you for your opinion. Especially if you don't know me or the story behind things. My kids are happy and healthy kids that know they are loved and taken care of. Thank you.
Oh, and if you aren't a parent yourself, you should not have an opinion AT ALL about how I raise my kids! Thanks.